APDR Membership Information


APDR Membership Information



Active Members

All physician program directors, associate and assistant program directors of programs in radiology, nuclear medicine and subspecialty fellowships in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico are eligible for active membership. The Chair and Registrar and Assistant Chair and Registrar of the Department of Radiologic Pathology of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, and all physician directors, co-directors, associate program directors, and assistant program directors of American Osteopathic Association accredited programs in Radiology are eligible for active membership. Former program directors and others who have an active role in resident and/or fellowship training may apply for membership. Physician program directors from outside of the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico may apply for international membership. International members shall pay dues and share all rights and privileges of active members.
'23–'24 Dues: $275 (24'–25' Dues: $300) 

Emeritus Members

Retired program directors upon application to the Secretary, may continue as a member of the Association in the emeritus category. Emeritus members shall retain all of the rights and privileges of regular membership, but shall not pay dues, hold office, or vote.
Dues: Dues waived


Coordinating Members

Criteria for eligibility for coordinating membership will be appointment as a program coordinator in a graduate medical education program in any residency program in Diagnostic Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, or radiological subspecialty. Others who have an active role as a coordinator or an administrator in radiology education may apply. Coordinating Members shall pay dues and retain all of the rights and privileges of active members, but shall not hold office, vote, or receive the official journal of the association, Academic Radiology.

Coordinating Members will automatically be members of the Association of Program Coordinators in Radiology (APCR) and may hold office and retain voting privileges within the APCR, according to the APCR Rules of Operation.
'23–'24 Dues: $75 (24'–25' Dues: $85) 


Honorary Members

Individuals nominated by a member of the Board of Directors and subsequently approved by the full Board may be named Honorary Members of the Association. Honorary members shall retain all of the rights and privileges of regular membership, but shall not pay dues, hold office, or vote.
Dues: Dues waived


Members in Training

Members in training shall be those physicians who are in approved radiology residencies and fellowships. Member in training status shall normally terminate within two years following completion of the training. A Member in training shall have the right to serve on committees but will not have the right to vote or hold elective office.
Dues: Dues waived