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General Information

History and Archives

Annual Meeting

Scholarship Program




Welcome to Association of Program Coordinators in Radiology (APCR)

Program coordinators in radiology residencies and fellowships are welcome to join the Association of Program Coordinators in Radiology (APCR). We are a national organization and have received the approval of both the Association of Program Directors in Radiology (APDR) and the Association of Academic Radiology (AAR). We are associate members of the APDR.


The Mission of the Association of Program Coordinators in Radiology (APCR) is to promote excellence in the administration of radiology residency and fellowship programs, to provide educational opportunities in the field of graduate medical education and program administration, and to provide forums for professional growth and exchange of information.



APCR AAR Annual Meeting Recordings

Congratulations to Angela Huff, who was presented with the 2023-2024 Outstanding Coordinator Award at the APCR Member Meeting during the 2024 AUR Annual Meeting. The award is presented in Recognition of Dedication to the Success of Association of Program Coordinators in Radiology, with contributions from the ACR and AIRP.

Congratulations Angela!


APCR Foundation Course Series

2024-2025 APCR Foundation Course Series – Next Webinar August 15th at 12 pm CT – This session is for both new and experienced coordinators. We will review the timeline for September - January. Email [email protected] for the webinar link.


Come join the APCR Wellness committee for the new Monthly Wellness Hour. The wellness hour will take place on the last Wednesday of every month from 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Pacific Standard TIme. Drop in to say hi, to ask questions, share tips with colleagues or learn something new. Please email [email protected]  for the session zoom link.

The APCR electronics communication committee would like to know your input on our upcoming initiatives. Please give us your input by August 2nd on this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7XKV67Q


Research Project Involvement for Coordinators Webinar

Thank you to those that attended the Research Project Involvement for Coordinators webinar on July 9th, 2024. We are grateful to Abigail Goelzer for presenting her work and the process during this fabulous presentation. Please email [email protected] for the webinar link if interested.


Save the Date! It’s the 25th anniversary of the APCR! The 2025 AAR Meeting this year is in Los Angeles, CA from Tuesday, March 11th – Friday, March 14th. APCR events will begin the evening of Monday, March 10th. More information to come soon. For those that have programs that are unable to support your travel to the annual meeting, please consider applying to the APCR Scholarship here



Please join us on our APCR social media websites for networking opportunities and important updates:



